So, Really, What Is A Brand? — Brand Strategy in 10 Steps!

Build F100 Standard Brand Pyramid + Discover Brand Attributes | Top Strategic Brand MASTERCLASS from Global MBA F100 XP

So, Really, What Is A Brand?!!: Brand Strategy in 10 Steps! is Brand Rebirth’s (Rebirth U Learning Division) premier masterclass on branding that will help you learn strategies from Fortune 500 companies, attract more customers and rebirth your brand. It is the first class in the Brand Bedrocks Module of 4 masterclasses.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


So, Really, What Is A Brand?!!: Brand Strategy in 10 Steps! is Brand Rebirth’s (Rebirth U Learning Division) premier masterclass on branding that will help you learn strategies from Fortune 500 companies, attract more customers and rebirth your brand. It is the first class in the Brand Bedrocks Module of 4 masterclasses.


This course will educate you on how to:

This Masterclass grants you access to the brand knowledge that Fortune 100 companies have used for centuries. These top companies maintain their status as the most authentic and (financially) successful brands in the world year and year, so don’t you want to know how they achieve this?

No longer do you have to waste hours perusing the internet to get answers to basic questions regarding how to properly define brand from a practical and an academic sense from self-proclaimed brand experts on social media.  You can stop signing up for semester long courses or hiring costly consultants to fill in your brand knowledge skill gap.

With inspiring instruction, learning assessments and best practice examples from top brands, you should be able to do the following after completing this Masterclass:


Amazing Tools Provided In This Class