Identify, Brand & Market Your Passion & Purpose Masterclass

Build a community, stand out with authenticity while impacting others with your brand messaging, services & products

This course aka masterclass, is designed to teach you how to design, grow a successful brand, and digitally market it in on social media, the internet, other media outlets and anywhere else. You will also learn simple strategies that will help you stand out from the crowd, build confidence and no longer remain the world’s best kept secret. This masterclass zeros in on building your brand with authenticity and from your passion and purpose.

What you’ll learn

  • Build a brand that feels natural, organic and indicative of who you are (personality, passion, purpose, skill-set, calling, life experiences).
  • Package & Brand your Passion and Purpose into programs, services and products to sell.
  • Identify key elements to define your target audience and convey that you are an authoritative voice and expert in your industry.
  • How digital, social media, visual and video marketing strategies are effective at attracting, connecting and converting followers into clients and customers.
  • Operating in confidence and self-belief, combat Faith deficits to build trust and connection with your audience.
  • Learn ways to add value and how to gain more exposure to your brand.
  • How to maintain relevant content and consistently showing up.
  • Learn how collaboration with other leaders and experts helps to grow your brand.

Course Content

  • Introduction & Welcome –> 1 lecture • 3min.
  • Identify Who Your & Buzz Words Strategies –> 2 lectures • 11min.
  • Brand Designing & Researching Your Industry –> 3 lectures • 5min.
  • Social Media Profiling –> 2 lectures • 8min.
  • Why and How to Incorporate Relatable Trending Topics –> 3 lectures • 12min.
  • How to Grow As A Brand & Add Value to Connect –> 7 lectures • 27min.

Identify, Brand & Market Your Passion & Purpose Masterclass


This course aka masterclass, is designed to teach you how to design, grow a successful brand, and digitally market it in on social media, the internet, other media outlets and anywhere else. You will also learn simple strategies that will help you stand out from the crowd, build confidence and no longer remain the world’s best kept secret. This masterclass zeros in on building your brand with authenticity and from your passion and purpose.

Marketing and branding methods can often seem tedious and overwhelming due to the many aspects of building a personal and professional brand and everchanging technology.

  • This course will also help you market your brand on various platforms with the goal of clarifying your purpose.
  • You will also learn how to effectively describe your awesome service(s), target and connect with your right audience, prospective clients, community and customers.
  • You will learn how to confidently and organically present your products, share your story, spread your message, and even your ministry or calling, to the world.
  • Included, are worksheets to supplement and add to what you learn in this course and help you to note and organize your strategies and put them into action.
  • This class will help and invoke you identify your own strengths and value.
  • Whether you are a business owner, student or simply READY to package your career skills; life experience in a particular area; or inner-genius into a business, you will reap the value of what I share in this course/masterclass.

Because there are multitudes of brands out in the marketplace, and targeting similar individuals and audiences, it is crucial that you are known and seen just as the impactful as those competing brands.

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